Havertown Social Security Disability lawyer Michael T. Malarick has helped several members of the Havertown and Haverford Township communities claim Social Security benefits. As a Havertown Social Security Disability attorney, Michael will help you file for Social Security and will fight for you in Social Security court. If you are disabled and reside in Havertown, PA, Haverford Township, or any other Township within the Commonwealth of PA, you should contact attorney Michael T. Malarick, an experienced Social Security lawyer.
Havertown Social Security Disability Lawyers: How Does Social Security Evaluate My Disability
The Social Security Administration defines Disability as being unable to perform any substantial, gainful work activity because of a medically determined physical or mental condition.
Your Social Security claim will first be processed at your local Social Security field office. The Social Security field office that processes applications for Havertown, PA is located at 8645 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082. If you want to claim your Social Security benefits, call our Havertown Social Security Disability lawyer Michael T. Malarick at 610-816-6683 who will help you file and will fight for you in court.
The Social Security application can be filed online, in person, or through the mail. The application will ask for basic information about you, such as:
- Age and date of birth;
- Marital status;
- Educational history; and
- Employment history.
The application will also seek information about your disability or impairment, such as:
- Your treating physicians;
- Hospitals or Clinics visited;
- Medical tests performed;
- Medications prescribed.
Once your local field office verifies your information, your claim is sent to the Pennsylvania Disability Determination Service or DDS. The DDS office makes the initial decision whether you are disabled or blind under the law. The DDS will develop the medical evidence from the information you provided in your application. The medical information you provide should be as complete as possible.
If the DDS is unable to make a disability determination from your medical evidence, they may schedule you for a consultative examination.
Once the DDS has made a determination on your disability, your file is returned to the local office for follow-up. If your determination was favorable, the local field office will compute your benefits. If your determination was unfavorable, DDS will return your file to the local Social Security office in case you appeal your unfavorable determination. If you are trying to claim your Social Security benefits in Havertown or Haverford Townships, call our Havertown Social Security Disability attorney Michael T. Malarick at 610-816-6683 who will help you file and will fight for you in court.
Havertown Social Security Lawyer: Can A Musculoskeletal Impairment Be A Disability
Yes, a musculoskeletal impairment, that is a condition involving your muscles or bones, can be determined to be a disability. The musculoskeletal system provides your body with its form, support, balance and movement. It consists of your bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and connective tissue that support and bind tissue and organs together. If you suffer from a musculoskeletal impairment in Havertown or Haverford, PA, call our Havertown Social Security lawyer Michael T. Malarick at 610-816-6683 for a free initial consultation and for help claiming your Social Security benefits.
If a muscle or bone condition leads to a loss of bodily function, you may be determined to be disabled. Social Security defines loss of function as either:
- An inability to ambulate effectively on a sustained basis for any reason, or
- An inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively on a sustained basis for any reason.
The loss of function must have lasted or must be expected to last for at least 12 months.
Social Security defines the inability to ambulate effectively as an extreme limitation of your walking ability and without the use of a walker or cane. You must be able to walk at a reasonable pace over a sufficient distance and be able to perform activities of daily living.
Social Security defines the inability to to perform fine and gross movements as an extreme loss of use of both arms. You must be able to push, pull, reach, grasp and hold in order to carry out activities of daily living. If you are seeking Social Security benefits in Havertown or Haverford Township, contact our Havertown Social Security disability lawyer today for a free initial consultation.
Examples of an inability to ambulate or perform fine and gross movements include:
- Unable to walk without using a walker or two canes or crutches;
- Unable to prepare a simple meal and feed oneself;
- Unable to perform routine activities such as shopping or banking;
- Unable to sort papers or handle files;
- Unable to use public transportation; and
- Unable tp perform personal hygiene.
Havertown Social Security Disability Lawyers Contact Information
If you live in Haverford Township or Havertown, PA and have any questions or concerns about your Social Security claim process or disability determination, please contact our Havertown Social Security disability lawyer Michael T. Malarick today. Call 610-816-6683 for a free initial consultation from our Haverford Social Security attorney.
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