As a Chester County DUI lawyer, Michael T. Malarick has helped the residents of Chester County with their drunk driving and DWI offenses. As a DUI defense attorney, Michael T. Malarick has helped clients in Chester County with their first offense DUI’s, second offense DUI’s, and third offense DUI’s. If you have been stopped for drunk driving in Chester County and you are facing a Pennsylvania DUI charge, call the Law Office of Michael T. Malarick today for a free consultation.
Michael T. Malarick is an experienced Chester County DUI lawyer who has been practicing law in the state of Pennsylvania and New Jersey for over 25 years. The Law Office of Michael T. Malarick understands the days after a DWI are hard. Our law office is available to help you through this time and walk your through the legal process.
Chester County DUI Lawyer & Criminal Defense Attorney
In an effort to combat drunk driving, Pennsylvania passed Act 24 in 2003 which made it easier for law enforcement to police drinking and driving. Act 24 also added alcohol treatment into the penalty stage of a DUI conviction.
In Pennsylvania, DUI penalties are based on the driver’s BAC or blood alcohol content. The three tiers of a driver’s BAC are: General Impairment (0.08% to 0.099%); High BAC (0.10% to 0.159%); and Highest BAC (0.16% and up or under the influence of a controlled substance)
The penalties imposed in DUI cases are related to the three tiers of the driver’s BAC. The General Impairment level are penalized on a first offense, second offense, or third offense basis. The High BAC level are penalized on a first offense, second offense, third offense basis. The Highest BAC level are penalized on a first offense, second offense, or third offense or more level. Call our experienced Chester DUI lawyer today for a free consultation.
The specific penalties that may be imposed based on the BAC tier and number of offenses include; community service, probation, fines, mandatory alcohol safety school, alcohol and drug treatment, license suspension, prison, ignition interlock system, and a first or second degree misdemeanor charge.
When considering whether a particular offense is a first, second, or third offense for imposition of penalties there is a 10 year look back period. During this time, you can reach out and contact our Chester DWI attorney for a free consultation.
Chester County DWI Attorney & Drunk Driving Lawyer
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition or ARD may be available for some first time offenders of the DUI laws.
Pennsylvania also has an Implied Consent law. If a driver is arrested for DUI and refuses to take a chemical test of their blood, breath, or urine, their driver’s license is suspended one year for a first offense and 18 months for a second offense. This refusal suspension will be in addition to any other suspension subsequently imposed for the DUI. If you have been charged with drunk driving, call our Chester County DWI attorney for a free consultation.
In a DUI case, as in any case, a driver should consult a criminal defense attorney to thoroughly assess the driver’s defenses and possible penalties. Contact our Chester criminal defense lawyer today for a free initial consultation.
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